Amy is the founder of The Durham Comics Project, StoryUp! Aerial Theater, and Little People Big Questions.  Her practice spans aerial dance, comics, illustration, storytelling, clown, fiber arts, music and large scale community coordination. Her art centers themes of creation and community rather than any particular medium. Past projects include a city wide, multi-year comics project; pioneering the art of aerial storytelling or creating a giant wooden cranky machine because I want a thousand people at a festival to participate in an infinite collaborative comic. 

Her art relies on interaction. Her performances engage the audience, how can the audience be involved, if it is a drawing, how can I get you to draw too?, if it is an installation piece can you climb on it, sit in it? How can you manipulate it? 

The art that I make, whether an illustration, a comic, aerial dance, a clown piece or a multidisciplinary extravaganza containing all of the above is an invitation and a conversation. Hello! Here I am! Do you see me? I want to see you too! Let's be friends. Let’s make art! Art is the process of putting the inside out - from inside my head, inside my heart out into the world. I'm sharing a story, sometimes very literally, and I want you to share yours. Each piece is just me starting the conversation. Hello friend!

Contact her regarding projects, workshops, presentations, or just to say hello:
